賽馬會齡活城市計劃 - 活力耆年計劃2019
中文大學賽馬會老年學研究所現正舉辧「賽馬會齡活城市計劃 – 活力耆年計劃」,透過一系列的社區健康大使培訓課程,培養長者健康的生活態度及管理自己的健康,並且能夠於區內宣傳活力耆年的概念。
1. | 社區內適合長者使用的健康設施及意見:如你有任何分享,請提供設施的照片,並列明拍攝地點、日期並你對設施的意見。地區不限。 |
2. | 營養餐單分享:各位如有個人營養餐單或心得,又想和大家分享,歡迎寫下並電郵給我們。 |
另外,若各位有興趣參與活力耆年計劃,成為社區健康大使,請於電郵留下姓名及聯絡電話,待有確實上課時間及地點時,再與你聯絡 。計劃詳情請參閱海報 (留意計劃只會於葵青、北區及西貢區舉行)。
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| 電郵:iris.chan@cuhk.edu.hk
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其他活動 Other activities in Hong Kong
Date | 2019年4月13日(星期六)
13 April 2019 (Saturday) |
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時間 Time |
下午二時三十分至五時正 (當天下午一時三十分至二時三十分設「流動賽馬會氣候變化博物館」及茶會,請自備水杯或水樽以享用免費飲品)
2:30–5:00 pm ('Mobile Jockey Club MoCC' exhibition and tea reception before the event (1:30–2:30 pm). Please bring your own mug or bottle to enjoy a complimentary drink before the screening) |
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地點 Venue |
Lecture Theatre 1B, Cheng Yu Tung Building G/F, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
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對象 Target |
All are welcome |
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名額 Quota |
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Enrollment method |
請按此登記 Please click here to register
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Enquiry | 3943 3972
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日期 Date | 2019年4月30日 (星期二) 及 2019年5月7日 (星期二) 30th April, 2019 (Tuesday) and 7th May, 2019 |
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時間 Time |
2:00p.m. to 4:00p.m. |
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地點 Venue | 香港中文大學康本國際學術園2樓4號演講廳 Lecture Theatre 4, 2/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA), The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
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對象 Target | 50歲或以上人士
Age 50 or Above |
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名額 Quota |
100 persons*
Quota is limited and registration will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis.
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Tuition fee |
免費 Free
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報名及查詢 Enrollment or Enquiry Hotline | 致電2498 0178 或網上報名: Tel: 2498 0178 or Online Enrolment: www.bit.ly/cadenzahub_frailtypreventiontalk |
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Certificate Programme in Health Planning for positive Ageing
日期 Date | 2019年6月21日 (星期五) 起 From 21st June, 2019 (Friday) |
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時間 Time |
7:00p.m. to 10:00p.m. on Fridays |
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地點 Venue | 尖沙咀加連威老道98號東海商業中心地庫1樓01室 Unit 01, Basement 1, East Ocean Centre, 98 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui |
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對象 Target | 課程適合社工、輔導主任、安老服務工作者、人生教練等修讀,同時亦可讓退休人士有系統地學習如何培養個人健康生活模式,策劃自己的豐盛生活。
Elderly services providers, programme staff of elderly community centres, junior social workers and people working in the human resources sector would find the programme most beneficial to their work.
Helping professionals such as counsellors, life coaches, personal care workers, and individuals who are interested in health planning and promoting health in their own specific settings would also find the programme useful.
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名額 Quota |
30 persons
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Tuition fee |
港幣 12,000 元 HK$12,000
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報名及查詢 Enrollment or Enquiry Hotline | 報名表格(郵寄方式報名) www.scs.cuhk.edu.hk/cuscs/ commfiles/AD002_award-bearing.pdf 網上報名 apps.scs.cuhk.edu.hk/scs/ online_enrol/pre_enrol_form?form_ty =2&cno=191-264100-01&disp=ch Enrolment Form (Register by post) www.scs.cuhk.edu.hk/cuscs/commfiles/ AD002_award-bearing.pdf Online Enrolment apps.scs.cuhk.edu.hk/scs/online_enrol/ pre_enrol_form?form_ty=2&cno=191- 264100-01&disp=en |
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報名手續 Application Procedures |
(1) 學歷證明副本與其他相關文件 ;及
(2) 報名費港幣 150 元及學費港幣 12,000 元 ( 請以兩張支票或銀行本票分別支付,抬頭為 「香港中文大學 」,或以易辦事或信用卡支付 ) 親臨本院報名中心遞交申請,或郵寄以上文件至下列地址 ( 請在信封面註明 「報名表格 」):
中環夏慤道 12 號美國銀行中心 1 樓 A 室
香港中文大學專業進修學院 「醫療保健組 」收
** 如報名人數不足,本院有權取消課程,並於有需要時更改原定課程的導師、上課日期、時間、地點及內容。除因課程額滿,已繳之學費恕不退還,亦不可轉讓。
Please complete the enrollment form and send your application with the following:
1) Copies of proof of academic qualification and supporting documents, if specified; and
2) Application fee of HK$150 and tuition fee of HK$12,000 (Please use separate cheques / bank drafts for the application fee and tuition fee, payable to 'The Chinese University of Hong Kong'. Payment by ESP or credit card is accepted.)
Application can be made in person at our learning centres or by mail to the following address (please mark ' Enrollment Form 264100 ' on the envelope):
Certificate Programme in Health Planning for Positive Ageing Health Studies
School of Continuing and Professional Studies
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Unit A, 1/F, Bank of America Tower,
12 Harcourt Road, Central.
Successful applicants will be contacted on class arrangements before commencement of the programme.
** CUSCS reserves the right to cancel a course if enrollment is insufficient and make alternations regarding instructors, class schedule, class locations and the course content if necessary. Fees paid are neither refundable nor transferable unless the enrolled course is full or cancelled.
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Enrollment deadline |
2019年6月11日 (星期二) 11th June, 2019 (Tuesday)
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Enquiry |
致電3111 7249 或電郵 scs-health@cuhk.edu.hk Tel: 3111 7249
Email: scs-health@cuhk.edu.hk
請按此取得課程內容 Please click here for course details |
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活動花絮 Activities highlights