AM Session

Opening Address by Mr. Leong Cheung
Executive Director, Charities & Community,
The Hong Kong Jockey Club

Officiating Address by Dr. Lam Ching-choi, SBS, JP
Chairman, Elderly Commission, HKSAR Government


The Significance of the eHealth Project to Community Care of Older People

  • Prof. Jean Woo
    Director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing,
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Primary Care in Hong Kong

  • Prof. Samuel Y.S. Wong
    Professor and Director, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Medico-social Integration in Community Care of Older People - How the eHealth Project Has Furthered Development

  • Dr. Ruby Yu
    Senior Research Fellow, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

NGO Forum


  • Prof. Jean Woo
    Director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing,
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong


  • Mr. Kenneth Chow
    Service Director, The Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association
  • Mr. Wilson Chui
    Senior Social Work Supervisor, Caritas Services for the Elderly
  • Mr. Francis Li
    Elderly Service Director, The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council
  • Ms. Olive Sin
    Deputy Social Service Coordinator (Elderly Service), Pok Oi Hospital

ICOPE Training in Hong Kong

  • Prof. Angela Leung
    Deputy Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Panel Discussion 1

The Future Direction of Medico-social Integration in Community Care of Older People in Hong Kong


  • Prof. Jean Woo
    Director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing,
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong


  • Dr. Cissy Choi
    Head (Primary Healthcare Office), Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR Government
  • Dr. Carolyn Kng
    Consultant (M&G), Head of Division (Geriatrics),HKEC Service Director (Primary and Community Health Care), Chairman, HA Geriatric Subcommittee, Hospital Authority
  • Dr. Ruby Lee, JP
    Consultant Family Medicine (Elderly Health Service), Department of Health, HKSAR Government
  • Dr. Pamela Tin
    Head of Healthcare and Social Development, Our Hong Kong Foundation

PM Session

Lunch Break (Own Arrangement)

Rapid Geriatric Assessment Using Mobile App in Primary Care

  • A/Prof. Reshma A Merchant
    Head of Division, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Medicine, National University Hospital, Singapore

Integrated Care for Older People Screening Tool for Measuring Intrinsic Capacity

  • Prof. Piu Chan
    Professor and Director, Department of Neurobiology, Geriatrics and Neurology, Clinical and Research Center on Parkinson’s Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Disorders, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University

The First ICOPE Remote Monitoring Platform in the Occitania Region (France)

  • Prof. Bruno Vellas
    Professor of Medicine, Head of Gérontopôle, Toulouse University Hospital, France

Panel Discussion 2

Future Development of Digital Health in Integrated Care of Older People in Hong Kong


  • Prof. Samuel Y.S. Wong
    Professor and Director, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


  • Dr. Elsie Hui
    Service Director (Primary & Community Health Care),
    New Territories East Cluster, Hospital Authority
  • Prof. Angela Leung
    Deputy Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Ms. Tammy Leung
    Service Director, Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service Centre
  • Dr. Joyce Tang
    Medical Director, United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service

Intrinsic Capacity and its Associations with Incident Dependence and Mortality

  • Prof. Martin Prince
    Professor of Epidemiological Psychiatry, Director, King’s Global Health Institute Assistant Principal (Global Health), King’s College London, London, United Kingdom

Concluding Remarks

  • Prof. Jean Woo
    Director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing,
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Guests of Honor

Opening Address by Mr. Leong Cheung

Executive Director, Charities & Community,
The Hong Kong Jockey Club

Officiating Address by Dr. Lam Ching-choi, SBS, JP

Chairman, Elderly Commission, HKSAR Government


Topic: The Significance of the eHealth Project to Community Care of Older People
Speaker: Prof. Jean Woo

Director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Topic: Primary Care in Hong Kong
Speaker: Prof. Samuel Y.S. Wong

Professor and Director, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Topic: Medico-social Integration in Community Care of Older People – How the eHealth Project Has Furthered Development
Speaker: Dr. Ruby Yu

Senior Research Fellow, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Topic: ICOPE Training in Hong Kong
Speaker: Prof. Angela Leung

Deputy Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Topic: Rapid Geriatric Assessment Using Mobile App in Primary Care
Speaker: A/Prof. Reshma A Merchant

Head of Division, Division of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Medicine, National University Hospital, Singapore

Topic: Integrated Care for Older People Screening Tool for Measuring Intrinsic Capacity
Speaker: Prof. Piu Chan

Professor and Director, Department of Neurobiology, Geriatrics and Neurology, Clinical and Research Center on Parkinson’s Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Geriatric Disorders, Xuanwu Hospital of Capital Medical University

Topic: The First ICOPE Remote Monitoring Platform in the Occitania Region (France)
Speaker: Prof. Bruno Vellas

Professor of Medicine, Head of the Gérontopôle, Toulouse University Hospital, France

Topic: Intrinsic Capacity and its Associations with Incident Dependence and Mortality
Speaker: Prof. Martin Prince

Professor of Epidemiological Psychiatry, Director, King’s Global Health Institute. Assistant Principal (Global Health), King’s College London, London, United Kingdom

Views from NGOs

Speaker: Mr. Kenneth Chow

Service Director, The Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association

Speaker: Mr. Wilson Chui

Senior Social Work Supervisor, Caritas Services for the Elderly

Speaker: Mr. Francis Li

Elderly Service Director, The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council

Speaker: Ms. Olive Sin

Deputy Social Service Coordinator (Elderly Service), Pok Oi Hospital

Panel Disscussion 1

The Future Direction of Medico-social Integration in Community Care of Older People in Hong Kong

Speaker: Dr. Cissy Choi

Head (Primary Healthcare Office), Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR Government

Speaker: Dr. Carolyn Kng

Consultant (M&G), Head of Division (Geriatrics),HKEC Service Director (Primary and Community Health Care), Chairman, HA Geriatric Subcommittee, Hospital Authority

Speaker: Dr. Ruby Lee, JP

Consultant Family Medicine (Elderly Health Service), Department of Health, HKSAR Government

Speaker: Dr. Pamela Tin

Head of Healthcare and Social Development, Our Hong Kong Foundation

Panel Disscussion 2

Future Development of Digital Health in Integrated Care of Older People in Hong Kong

Speaker: Dr. Elsie Hui

Service Director (Primary & Community Health Care), New Territories East Cluster, Hospital Authority

Speaker: Prof. Angela Leung

Deputy Director, WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services, School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Speaker: Ms. Tammy Leung

Service Director, Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service

Speaker: Dr. Joyce Tang

Medical Director, United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service

Concluding Remarks

Speaker: Prof. Jean Woo

Director, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Question : During the past two years facing Covid situation, any difficulties for NGOs in implementing different activities for elderly via zoom?

Dr. Ruby Yu : Thanks for your questions. Yes, older people encountered some technical difficulties in getting connected to Zoom activities. So, some trainers/programme officers also used WhatsApp to support older people in their efforts to get connected. Regarding usability, we found that the interface and the limited screen size of the Zoom meeting room hindered the use of text chats. Also, some social workers told me that computer literacy of older people, particularly the older age groups, was low. So I think it is important to enhance older people’s digital literacy and increase their capacity in using computer/touch-screen devices.

Question : Does the issue of not meeting the needs of cases found create an issue? Wonder if ICOPE is suitable for very disabled seniors e.g. CFS 5-9…

Dr. Ruby Yu : Thanks for your questions. ICOPE screening tools, which covers various domains of intrinsic capacity (IC), can be used for case finding (as the first step). Those who are identified with limitation in IC should then undertake a more comprehensive assessment (not only with a conventional history taking but also a comprehensive assessment on the person’s preferences and social needs) and also care planning. Sometime referral to specialized care may be needed. If the frail person is not receiving any support/undergoing any intervention, I think the person can also undertake the ICOPE screening and assessment. It provides an opportunity for the person/carers to understanding the health status of different IC domains and needs. Then the person can take part in appropriate interventions to improve IC and functional ability.

Question : How the service of EHC and district health centres complement each other? Thank you.

Dr. Ruby Lee : Elderly Health Centres aim to address the multiple health needs of the elderly by providing integrated primary health care services to them. Preventive, promotive and curative services are provided from a family medicine perspective using a multi-disciplinary team approach. Elders aged 65 or above are eligible for enrolling as members of Elderly Health Centres. Enrolled members are provided with services of health assessment, counselling, health education and curative treatment. At present, we help to promote DHCs and have collaboration with them.

Prof. Jean Woo graduated from the University of Cambridge in 1974. After medical posts in the Charing Cross, Hammersmith, and Brompton Hospitals in the UK, she worked in part time posts in general practice as well as research at the University of Hong Kong.

Prof. Woo joined the Department of Medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1985 as Lecturer responsible for the development of the teaching and service in Geriatric Medicine, becoming Head of the Department in 1993 until 1999, Chief of Service of the Medicine and Geriatric Unit at Shatin Hospital from 1993 to 2012, and Chair Professor of Medicine in 1994. From 2000 to 2006 she was Head of the Department of Community and Family Medicine, from 2001 to 2005 Director of the newly established School of Public Health, and from August 2013 to July 2016 Chairman of the Department of medicine & Therapeutics. She established the Centre for Nutritional Studies in 1997 using a self financing model to carry out service, education and research; and the Centre for Gerontology and Geriatrics in 1998, offering self-financed courses in Gerontology and Geriatrics, as well as End of Life Care.

Currently she is the Co-Director of CUHK Institute of Health Equity, Director of the Jockey Club Institute of Ageing at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Honorary Consultant of the Prince of Wales and Shatin Hospitals, Hospital Authority.

Prof. Woo’s research interests include chronic diseases and geriatric syndromes, health services research, nutrition epidemiology and intervention, quality of life issues at the end of life, with over 900 articles in peer-reviewed indexed journals.


Professor Samuel Wong is a clinician with training in both Family Medicine and Public Health.

He is the Director of the JC School of Public Health and Primary Care and the Associate Dean (Education) of the Faculty of Medicine. He is also the Founding Director of the Thomas Jing Centre for Mindfulness Research and Training.

Professor Wong’s research interests include evaluating and developing mindfulness- based and mental health interventions in primary care; evaluating primary care services and developing primary care service models as well as multimorbidity. He has published more than 200 original papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals including the Annals of Family Medicine, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, British Journal of Psychiatry and JAMA Internal Medicine and has contributed 5 book chapters and co-edited the Oxford Textbook of Public Mental Health published by the Oxford University Press. He has been appointed by the HKSAR government as a member of the Expert Panel in Primary Healthcare and Non-communicable Disease and the Steering Committee on Primary Healthcare Development.


Ruby Yu joined the Jockey Club Institute of Ageing of the Chinese University of Hong Kong as a Senior Research Fellow. She is involved in multiple cohorts to define the epidemiology of frailty in Chinese populations. She has examined the incidence and risk factors of frailty and sarcopenia, and their predictive values on health outcomes. She was the co-designer of a high-impact, evidence-based frailty prevention program for older people. In 2018, she conducted a randomized controlled trial for the program and has shown its effectiveness in preventing frailty. In 2020, she led the development of a service model that emphasized on an integrated medical and social care approach for the prevention of frailty. The model is being piloted in various community elderly centres in Hong Kong. She is also involved in health, behavioral, social, and environmental research with a focus on the role of these factors on the ageing process. Currently, she is working on a new model of healthy ageing proposed by the World Health Organization focusing on maintaining intrinsic capacity and preventing care dependence of older people.


Angela Y. M. Leung is Professor and Deputy Director of WHO Collaborating Centre for Community Health Services in School of Nursing of Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She was the recipient of The Excellent Health Promotion Project Award given by the Food and Health Bureau, Hong Kong Government (2021), awardee in the Hartford Geriatric Scholars Program in Johns Hopkins University (2014) and Distinguished Gerontological Nursing Educator by National Hartford Centre for Gerontological Nursing Excellence, USA (2018). She is an active researcher in health literacy and dementia caregiving, with a wide range of publications in international journals (e.g. doi:10.2196/10662; doi:10.2196/16772). She has a strong belief that technology can help people to understand their current health status and make the informed health decision. One of her recent innovations is the Blended Gaming COVID-19 Training System (BGCTS) for training residential care home workers with WHO infection control guidelines and local regulations. She is also dedicated to community-based health promotion initiatives. She lined up frontline workers and nursing students to adopt WHO ICOPE model in their practices.


As the Head and Senior Consultant for the Division of Geriatric Medicine at the National University Hospital, Singapore, she is a strong advocate for ageing in place and age-friendly healthcare system. Prior to this, she was the head of division of Advanced Internal Medicine and under her leadership, the division made great progress in care integration, care coordination and new models of care including acute medical unit and Innovation-42. She graduated from the University of Edinburgh and obtained her postgraduate qualification from the Royal College of Physicians, London, in 1999, where she worked for several years before returning to Singapore in 2001.

She is a member of WHO Global Network on Long-term care (GNLTC), and recognised as a thought leader and special expert in policy, research and practice in fields associated with population ageing by International Federation on Ageing. She also holds many leadership positions in national and professional organisations and advisory boards including the National Kidney Foundation and clinical lead for Institutional Community Collaborations (ICC), Regional Health System Planning Office. She has won multiple teaching awards, and her main areas of research interests are in sarcopenia, falls prevention, frailty and healthy ageing in community dwelling older adults. She is well published, co-author on many international consensus papers on frailty and sarcopenia and has many ongoing projects on healthy ageing, and falls prevention. She is the co-chief editor for the Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging.


Professor Chan graduated from Hunan Medical College in Changsha and became a neurologist after the fellowship training. He later acquired his Doctor of Philosophy in neurosciences from Sun Yan-Sen University of Medical Sciences in Guangzhou followed by postdoctoral training at the Parkinson’s Institute in Sunnyvale, California of USA, where he spent more than 10 years as senior scientist before returning to Beijing in 2000.

Professor Chan is the council member of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG), and the past Secretary of the IAGG Asia-Oceania Region. He is currently the Vice President of the Chinese Association of Geriatrics, Vice President of the Society of Geriatrics of the China Medical Association, Vice President of Society of Geriatrics of the Chinese Doctor’s Association, and the President of Society of Geriatrics of Beijing Medical Association. He has been appointed as the Deputy Director and Principal Investigator of Chinese National Human Genome Center Beijing since 2001. He was the President of the Society of Chinese Neuroscientists in America from 1998 to 2000 and the Secretary of Asia-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry from 2000 to 2006.

Professor Chan is well known for his translational research on neurodegenerative disorders and other age-related disorders. He has been working on developing models for CNS diseases including non-human primate models of Parkinson’s disease and dyskinesia. He has been studying familial and susceptibility genes and a variety of biomarkers for Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases in a few unique cohorts in China aimed for prediction and prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. He has initiated projects investigating the role of polyphenols (funded by M. J. Fox foundation) and Traditional Chinese Medicine in two multi-center trials. He is currently the director of the National Center of GCP Trials for Neurodegenerative Disorders. He is an ad hoc consultant for the State Food and Drug Administration of China.

Professor Chan is the committee member for the MDS “Task Force on the definition of Parkinson’s disease” and “Telemedicine Task Force”. Dr. Chan’s center is the only Chinese team participated the International LRRK2 Consortium and Apple’s mPower project.

Professor Chan has published more than 350 peer-reviewed papers and served as editorial members of more than 15 international and Chinese journals. In 2002, he attained First Award for Scientific Achievement from both Ministry of Education and Chinese Medical Association in the People’s Republic of China.


Bruno Vellas is the chair of the Gérontopôle & Department of Geriatric Internal Medicine at the Toulouse University Hospital and is member of INSERM UMR 1295. He is the founder of the Gérontopôle to develop innovation and research for older adults. He is the author and co-author of more than 500 publications in peer review journals since 1987, Index H over 100. He is adjunct professor at the Department of Internal Medicine, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA and is member of the Scientific Advisory Board of several major scientific institutions in France, EU, Japan, China and the US. Since 2016, he is titular member of the French National Academy of Medicine. He is the chair of the WHO Collaborating Center for Frailty, Clinical Research and Geriatric Training since September 2017. Lastly, Bruno VELLAS is Principal Investigator of the INSPIRE program in the field of Gerosciences and many other in the field of Alzheimer’s disease drug development.


Martin Prince is Professor of Epidemiological Psychiatry and Director of King’s Global Health Institute at King’s College London. He trained in Psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital and in Epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. His work is oriented to the salience of mental and neurological disorders to health and social policy, and health systems strengthening in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). He has coordinated, since 1998 the 10/66 Dementia Research Group, a network of researchers, mainly from LMIC working together to promote more good research into dementia in those regions. The group has published over 150 papers covering dementia prevalence, incidence, risk factors and impact and contributed to knowledge of public health aspects of ageing and chronic disease in LMIC.

He was co-author of the Dementia UK report that informed the UK Government’s National Dementia Strategy. He lead the development of the widely reported ADI World Alzheimer Reports for 2009 (prevalence and numbers), 2010 (societal cost) and 2011 (early intervention), 2013 (long term care), 2014 (modifiable risk factors), 2015 (update on prevalence, incidence and cost) and was a leading contributor to the WHO World Dementia Report 2012. He was one of three editors for the 2007 Lancet Series on Global Mental Health, and is committed to further research and advocacy to support the call for action for improved coverage of evidence-based community treatments. He coordinated the development of the WHO Mental Health Gap Action Plan (mhGAP) clinical guidelines for dementia care by non-specialists in LMIC, and co-chaired the Guideline Development Group for the WHO Guidelines on Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE).


Mr. Chow is the Head of Elderly Service Department of YWCA. He is dedicated in developing and implementing new services and projects, including community health, age-friendly community, rural service development, capacity building and service impact assessment, so as to meet the enormous needs of the elders and the drastic change in elderly service settings.


Mr. Chui is a senior social work supervisor in Caritas Service for the Elderly, currently supervising 4 integrated Home Care Services teams and 3 Neighborhood Elderly Centres in Sai Kung, Wong Tai Sin and Kwun Tung Districts. He has been working in community support services for the elderly for 30 years. Now, he is a member of the Social Welfare Department’s Kwun Tong & Wong Tai Sin Districts Coordinating Committee on Elderly Service. He is also a member of the Specialized Committee on Elderly Service of the Kong Council of Social Service.


Francis LI Y.K. is currently Elderly Service Director of The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council. He has worked in elderly services for 28 years including elderly counsellor, and senior management for various types of elderly services. Francis is the recipient of the“30th Outstanding Social Worker Award” in 2021.


Olive Sin is a registered social work with over 25 years of experience in community elderly services and currently works as Deputy Social Service Coordinator (Elderly Services) in Pok Oi Hospital Board Office to supervise elderly community services and carer support service. With the belief on creating a more age-friendly society for “ageing-in-place”, she particularly focuses on dementia care, carer support, healthy and successful ageing.


Dr. Cissy Choi is a specialist in Hong Kong College of Community Medicine, fellow of the Hong Kong College of Health Service Executives and fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators. She had her clinical practice in rehabilitation and palliative care for over ten years after graduation from medical school. She also had working experience in public health at the Centre for Health Protection, large-scale non-government organization as well as Primary and Community Healthcare in the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong. She is now the Head of Primary Healthcare Office in the Food and Health Bureau of the HK Government, oversees and steers the development and promotion strategies of primary healthcare services, including the District Health Centre development and service monitoring, development of Reference Frameworks for primary healthcare and Primary Care Directory.


Dr. Ruby Lee is the Consultant Family Physician (Elderly Health Service) of the Department of Health, Honorary Clinical Associate Professor of the University of Hong Kong, and Past President of Hong Kong College of Family Physicians. She has been awarded Honorary Fellowship of the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

Dr. Lee has undergone training in family medicine and dermatology in Hong Kong and United Kingdom. She has served in the Elderly Health Service of the Department of Health for the past 25 years and is dedicated to the provision of primary care for the elderly.

Her special interests are in elderly health, disease prevention, family medicine training and development. She has publications on elderly health, behavior change, consultation skills assessment, vocational training in family medicine, cancer screening and primary healthcare.


Pam received her PhD from the School of Public Health at The University of Hong Kong. With experience in both academic and public policy research, she is dedicated to improving health and social policies through research and advocacy to promote the holistic wellbeing of all persons in society. Pam and her team at OHKF have published high-profile policy papers on various topics ranging from primary healthcare, health workforce to health resource allocation that have put forward recommendations adopted by the government. Notably, the policy paper ‘Fit for Purpose: A Health System for the 21st Century’ published in November 2018 was named ‘Best Policy Study/Report Produced by a Think Tank’ by the University of Pennsylvania Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program ‘2019 Global Go To Think Tank Index.’” Pam is an active commentator of the topic and is regularly invited to share her perspectives at conferences and seminars.


Dr. Elsie Hui completed her medical training at Imperial College London and joined the Hospital Authority in 1992. She trained in Geriatric Medicine under Professor Jean Woo. Currently, Dr. Hui is the Consultant at Shatin Hospital and Prince of Wales Hospital, and Deputy Chief Executive of Shatin Hospital. She is also the Service Director of Community Outreach Services and General Out-patient Clinics in New Territories East Cluster.

Dr. Hui is a member of NT East Cluster‘s senior management team and works closely with the Head Office of Hospital Authority in the planning of service models and funded programmes. She is an honorary lecturer at Chinese University and Polytechnic University and teaches healthcare professionals at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Her research interests include end of life care, frailty, nutrition and feeding in the elderly, and use of innovations to support the cognitively impaired.


Ms. Leung is a senior social work supervisor in Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service for the Elderly, currently supervising 1 District Elderly Community Centre and 2 Neighbourhood Elderly Centres in Southern District, Hong Kong. She is dedicated in developing and implementing community based projects, including age-friendly community, social capital development and inter-generation participation, for meeting needs of the elders and the rapid change of elderly services. Now, she is the convener of Joint Meeting of Southern District Elderly Services Subvented Organisations.


Dr. Joyce Shao Fen Tang (M.B.B.S., F.R.A.C.G.P., D.T.M.&H., M.P.H.) is a general practitioner and also Medical Director of the United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service, Hong Kong, a non-profit non-governmental organisation with a multi-disciplinary team of over 350 staff members working in the field of primary care. Also Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Medicine.

Scope of work includes integration of clinical care with health promotion and disease prevention in adults and elderly. Current projects include provision of home-based health and safety assessment, rehabilitation and follow up care for elderly; and upskilling elderly in mobile technology for health.
