耆萃匯系列 ― 種出有機與健康分享會 Network of Ageing Well for All (NAWA): "Planting organic and health" sharing session |
Activity highlight |
年長人士分享「衰老」議題 Older adults share views on frailty |
「耆萃匯」朋友 積極參與由香港中文大學賽馬會老年學研究所於2018年1月舉辦 的聚焦小組,分享對衰老的理解、看法、面對的困難及期望。這些意見有助研究有效及可持續地應對衰老的策略。 Members of "Network of Ageing Well for All" (NAWA) participated actively in focus group conducted by CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing in January 2018 to share their opinion towards frailty, difficulties encountered by frail older adults and their expectations. The views will help devise effective and sustainable strategies to tackle frailty. |
Geriatric information |
如何延緩年長人士內在能力的衰退? How to manage declines in intrinsic capacity? |
Module I: Declining physical and mental capacities | |
Mobility loss |
Recommendation 1:
Multimodal exercise, including progressive strength resistance training and other exercise components (balance flexibility and aerobic training), should be recommended for older people with declining physical capacity, measured by gait speed, grip strength and other physical performance measures. |
Malnutrition |
Recommendation 2:
Oral supplemental nutrition with dietary advice should be recommended for older people affected by undernutrition. |
Visual impairment |
Recommendation 3:
Older people should receive routine screening for visual impairment in the primary care setting, and timely provision of comprehensive eye care. |
Hearing loss |
Recommendation 4:
Screening followed by provision of hearing aids should be offered to older people for timely identification and management of hearing loss. |
Cognitive impairment |
Recommendation 5:
Cognitive stimulation can be offered to older people with cognitive impairment, with or without a formal diagnosis of dementia. |
Depressive symptoms |
Recommendation 6:
Older adults who are experiencing depressive symptoms can be offered brief, structured psychological interventions, in accordance with WHO mhGAP intervention guidelines, delivered by health care professional with a good understanding of mental health care for older adults. |
Module II: Geriatric syndromes | |
Urinary incontinence |
Recommendation 7:
Prompted voiding for the management of urinary incontinence can be offered for older people with cognitive impairment. Recommendation 8: Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT), alone or combined with bladder control strategies and self-monitoring, should be recommended for older women with urinary incontinence (urge, stress or mixed) |
Risk of falls |
Recommendation 9:
Medication review and withdrawal (of unnecessary or harmful medication) can be recommended for older people at risk of falls. Recommendation 10: Multimodal exercise (balance, strength, flexibility and functional training) should be recommended for older people at risk of falls. Recommendation 11: Following a specialist's assessment, home modifications to remove environmental hazards that could cause falls should be recommended for older people at risk of falls. Recommendation 12: Multifactorial interventions integrating assessment with individually tailored interventions can be recommended to reduce the risk and incidence of falls among older people. |
Module III: Caregiver support | |
Recommendation 13:
Psychological intervention, training and support should be offered to family members and other informal caregivers of care-dependent older people, particularly but not exclusively when the need for care is complex and extensive and/or there is significant caregiver strain. |
詳情請瀏覽以下網址﹕ For the details, please visit: http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/258981/1/9789241550109-eng.pdf?ua=1 |
Other activities in Hong Kong |
「玩轉耆舞派對2018」義工伙伴招募 |
健康樂齡策劃證書課程 Certificate Program in Health Planning for positive Ageing |
賽馬會流金匯與香港中文大學專業進修學院合辦「健康樂齡策劃證書課程」。課程幫助學員全方位掌握長者的特點及轉變,為他們提供着重預防及健康策劃的基層醫療服務。課程由資深老人科醫生、輔導員、專業社工、護士、物理治療師、營養師、中醫師、高級體適能教練等跨界別專才主講。學員會被安排到「賽馬會流金匯」作半天或全天工作形式實習四天,在導師指導下夥拍專業團隊在社區層面提供支援服務。 詳情請參看相關海或及致電3111 7249查詢。 The Cadenza Hub and the School of Continuing and Professional Studies CUHK joined hands to organize the course "Certificate Program in Health Planning for Positive Ageing". Aiming to promote health and wellbeing, and develop an awareness of healthy and active ageing in Hong Kong society, the program enables participants to deliver suitable health planning and promotion programs in the community for specific target groups. Trainees will be arranged to have four days' internship in Cadenza Hub and provide service in the community with the professional team under the guidance of supervisors. For details, please browse the poster or inquire at 3111 7249. |
「防衰老 齊起動」 Frailty Screening & Anti-frailty Educational Talk |