長者及年齡友善社區與健康老齡化行動十年 -p5_knowledge_transfer_c
研究所亦積極參與世界衛生組織的Age-friendly Environments Knowledge and Action Hubs,從而將健康老齡化的知識轉為行動方案。研究所是urban and territorial planning 小組的成員,該小組將研究其如何令社區更為長者及年齡友善的角色。詳情請參閱世界衛生組織的網址。
長者及年齡友善社區與健康老齡化行動十年 -p4_assessment_c
長者及年齡友善社區與健康老齡化行動十年 -p3_ql_index_c
香港長者生活質素指數 (HKEQOL)
- 根據全球長者生活關注指數的四個領域為框架(包括「有利環境」、「健康狀況」、「能力」及「收入保障」)評估長者生活質素的重要範疇
- 加設了新的指標以更全面涵蓋不同方面長者的福祉
- 指標的編製參考了世界衞生組織於2015年出版的《衡量城市關愛老人的程度:核心指標使用指南》,以量度香港的長者及年齡友善程度
早期的指數結果發現香港的預期壽命最長,在身體健康方面排名第一,但在長者福祉方面仍然有落後其他國家的領域,特別是在收入保障和心理健康方面(排名在97個國家中的第79位)(CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, 2014)。該指標的使用與其他衡量社會老齡化適應性的指標進行了比較(Woo,2020),發現文化適應性是相關的,特別是東方和西方文化之間。其後,世界衛生組織推廣了一套專門用於評估長者及年齡友善城市的指標,我們將其與「全球長者生活關注指數」指標結合,形成了新的「香港長者生活質素指數」指標(CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, 2016)。
然後,該指數被用來監測香港長者及年齡友善計劃的進展。雖然首幾年觀察到積極的變化,但2019年香港社會動蕩和COVID-19大流行減弱了這些成效((Woo, Leung, Yu, Lee, & Wong, 2021)。 「香港長者生活質素指數」的趨勢分析顯示了它既可以用作宏觀指標,反映影響老年人福祉的政策,也能反映社會動蕩和疫症大流行的影響,而後者可能會削弱現有老齡政策的成效。
長者及年齡友善社區與健康老齡化行動十年 -p2_academic_output_c
Chui, H.K, Lu, S., Guo, Y., Chan, O.F., C., Cheung, C.S., Guo, Y., Liu, Y., Chan, S. W., Tang, W.M., Au, A., Wen, Z., Yu, R., Bai, X., Mok, K.H., Woo, J., & Lum, T. Y. (2022). Changes in older adults' perceptions of age-friendliness in Hong Kong: A three-year mixed-methods study. Cities, 127, 103748. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2022.103748
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Woo, J., Leung, D., Yu, R. Lee, R. & Wong, H. (2021). Factors Affecting Trends in Societal Indicators of Ageing Well in Hong Kong: Policies, Politics and Pandemics. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 25(3), 325-329. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12603-020-1488-z
Woo, J., Yu, R., Cheung, K., & Lai, E.T.C. (2020). How Much Money Is Enough? Poverty and Health in Older People. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging, 24(10), 1111-1115. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12603-020-1444-y
Fang, Y., Chau, A. K. C., Fung, H. H., & Woo, J. (2019). Loneliness shapes the relationship between information and communications technology use and psychological adjustment among older adults. Gerontology, 65(2), 198-206. https://doi.org/10.1159/000495461
Yu, R., Wong, M. & Woo, J. (2019). Perceptions of neighborhood environment, sense of community, and self-rated health: An age-friendly city project in Hong Kong. Journal of Urban Health, 96(2), 276-288. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11524-018-00331-3
Sun, Y., Phillips, D. R., & Wong, M. (2018). A study of housing typology and perceived age-friendliness in an established Hong Kong new town: A person-environment perspective. Geoforum, 88, 17-27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2017.11.001
Sun, Y., Chao, T.Y., Woo, J., & Au, D.W.H. (2017). An institutional perspective of "Glocalization" in two Asian tigers: The "Structure-Agent-Strategy" of building an age-friendly city. Habitat International, 59, 101–109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2016.11.013
Wong, M., Yu, R. & Woo, J. (2017). Effects of perceived neighbourhood environments on self-rated health among community-dwelling older Chinese. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(6), 614. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph14060614
Wong, A., Chau, A. K. C., Fang, Y., & Woo, J. (2017). Illuminating the psychological experience of elderly loneliness from a societal perspective: A qualitative study of alienation between older people and society. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(7), 824. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph14070824
Fang, Y., Chau, A. K. C., Wong, A., Fung, H. H., & Woo, J. (2017). Information and communicative technology use enhances psychological well-being of older adults: The roles of age, social connectedness, and frailty status. Aging & Mental Health, 22(11), 1516-1524. https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2017.1358354
Woo, J., Yu, R., Leung, J., Wong, M., Lau, K., Ho, H.C., Yip, H.M., Kwok, J., Lai, D., Tsien, T. & Au, A. (2017). Urban characteristics influencing health of older people: What matters. International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science, 2(12): 1561-1568. https://doi.org/10.23958/ijirms/vol02-i12/01
Woo, J., Cheung, K., & Chau, A., (2023). Strategies for creating an age-friendly city: Hong Kong as a case study. Hong Kong: The CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing. PDF
Sun, Y., Chao, T. Y. S., Au, D. W., Yung, E. H., & Woo, J. (2022). The age-friendly movement in an Asian context. In Christie M. Gardiner & Eileen O'Brien Webb (Eds.), The Age-friendly lens (pp. 89-103). London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003038658
Phillips, D. R., Woo, J., Cheung, F., Wong, M., & Chau, P. H. (2018). Exploring the age-friendliness of Hong Kong: Opportunities, initiatives and challenges in an ageing Asian city. In T. Buffel, S. Handler, & C. Phillipson (Eds.), Age-Friendly cities and communities: A global perspective. Bristol: Policy Press Scholarship Online. https://doi.org/10.1332/policypress/9781447331315.003.0007
Sun, Y., Wong, A., Chau, A. K. C., Wong, M. & Woo, J. (2017). Listening to the Elders: The Case of a Bottom-Up, Context-Sensitive Place Audit in Tai Po District of Hong Kong. In T.Y.S. Chao (Ed.), Planning for greying cities: Age-friendly city planning and design research and practice (pp.72-88). New York: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315442884
Fang, Y., Chau, A. K. C., Fung, H. H., & Woo, J. (2019). Loneliness shapes the relationship between ICT use and psychological adjustment among older adults [Oral presentation]. The GSA 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting, Austin, U.S.A. https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igz038.1950
Chau, A. K. C., Wong, A., Fang, Y., & Woo, J. (2018). Demographic, health, social and environmental correlates of loneliness in Hong Kong older adults [Oral presentation] The U.S.-Hong Kong 2018 Conference: Aging across Time and Contexts, Hong Kong, China.
Chau, A. K. C., Fang, Y., Wong, A., Yu, R., & Woo, J. (2017). Social connections mediate the association between frailty and meaning in life in older people [Poster presentation]. The 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics on "Global Aging and Health: Bridging Science, Policy, and Practice", San Francisco, USA. https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igx004.2027
Yu, R., Woo, J., Lum, T., Lou, V., Ma, C., Kwan, M., Au, A. & Lai ,D.W. (2017). Building Hong Kong into an Age-friendly city: Results from a baseline assessment [Poster presentation]. The 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics on "Global Aging and Health: Bridging Science, Policy, and Practice", San Francisco, USA. https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igx004.3985
Yu, R., Wong, M., Chow, J., Miao, H.Y. & Woo, J. (2016). Association between perceived social environment and sense of community in older Chinese people in Hong Kong [Poster presentation]. The JCSPHPC 15th Anniversary International Conference on "Innovations in Public Health Sciences", Hong Kong, China.